Leaf Collection in the Township has begun.
By Fire Marshal William Daywalt
November 4, 2024

As the Fall season quickly approaches and the trees begin to shed their leaves, residents will be piling up their leaves along the curb line in anticipation of Upper Merion Township’s Leaf Collection program.

Kindly be mindful of the fire safety tips below.

1. Do not park your vehicles over the leaves. The hot catalytic converters, tailpipes, etc. on the undercarriage of most vehicles can
easily catch not only leaves on fire but also your vehicle.
2. Only park your vehicle on cleared areas of the streets and driveways.
3. Dispose of cigarettes properly. A thrown cigarette from a car or passerby can easily catch dried leaves on fire.
4. If a fire does occur, call 9-1-1 immediately for the fire department and keep away.
5. Also, do not drive through the piles of leaves, as some children may like to play or hide inside of them.