Welcoming the New Year is a time when we find ourselves making resolutions to better our lives. This year, let us welcome 2025 with the resolution to focus on fire and life safety in order to keep our families safe from harm and here is how we are going to do it:
It’s imperative that you keep house numbers visible from the street so that Fire, EMS and Police personnel can find your residence quickly and easily in the event of an emergency. Numbers should be visible from the street with a minimum size of 4 inches with a contrasting background.
Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms on every level of your home. If you are a resident and need smoke alarms in your home, call the Upper Merion Township Fire and EMS Department hotline at 484-636-3945. The fire department will install 10-year battery smoke alarm for free to all Township residents.
Make a home escape plan and share the plan with all family members and visitors to your home.
Never leave the range and stove unattended. Do not become distracted while you are actively cooking. Keep a 3-foot children free safety zone from the stove.
Take a first aid and CPR class.
Remember to make this New Year resolution the one you never break it could save someone’s life. Keep safe and have a prosperous 2025 everyone! |